Rework, Wow! Just WOW! This book makes you rethink everything you thought about businesses and it is really well put together. I believe I have previously mentioned I’m not on par with the usual book reader when it comes to speed. But I finished this book only 4 days after the previous one I read […]

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Game Development Update #1

  • Paul Sokk
  • November 18, 2017
  • 4 min read

So I’ve been developing Project Number 2 for a few weeks now and thought it would be a good time to write the first development progress update. Player movement As I’ve mentioned before the game will be a first-person shooter. So it seemed only logical to start from there – get the player controls working. I used […]

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Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom – my thoughts

  • Paul Sokk
  • November 13, 2017
  • 2 min read

Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom was the first book of the 15 I’m planning to read while building a prototype of my FPS game in Unity. Fun fact: Since one of the most painful classes I took at the university, I thought I would never learn, nor need, Finite State Machines again. This book proved me wrong. Turns out state machines […]

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The Game Idea (Project number 2)

  • Paul Sokk
  • November 4, 2017
  • 4 min read

Note from the future: I will go more in-depth into the game idea in a future blog post here. This is a post, that should clear some things up. I have yet to post specific information about my game idea and that is NOT because I don’t have a clear vision about the finished game. […]

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