15 Books for a Successful Game Development Start-up

  • Paul Sokk
  • October 29, 2017
  • 4 min read

I acknowledge I don’t have the necessary know-how to launch a successful start-up yet, it would be ignorant to think that I do. That is why, from the beginning, I knew I had to learn a lot in order to make this project work. So in my head, I thought of three big categories that […]

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My Backstory

  • Paul Sokk
  • October 26, 2017
  • 3 min read

I always loved video games, many of us do. My best memories are from playing Gothic, Sims, GTA: San Andreas, TES: Oblivion and Minecraft on the PC and from playing COD: Black Ops on Xbox 360. I love those memories – those adventures, open worlds, excitement, and competition. Video games often give us comfort and […]

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Diving into the unknown

  • Paul Sokk
  • October 20, 2017
  • 2 min read

Riding in the bus that so many times took me to the office before. This time I have cake with me to celebrate, with my colleagues, the start of the next chapter in my life. Today it’s different of course because it’s my last day there. And I realize I’m starting something that I have […]

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How this begins…

  • Paul Sokk
  • October 15, 2017
  • 4 min read

I’m a 22-year-old guy and I just recently moved back in with my parents. As I was previously living by myself, working as a software developer, this decision might sound like a step backwards, but for me, it actually isn’t. To explain this further I have to backtrack a few months. I’m pretty much straight […]

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