Game Development Update #4 – Try the Game!

  • Paul Sokk
  • February 28, 2018
  • 1 min read

I’m happy to bring you yet another game development update of Project Number 2: Mechanical Difficulties. This time, however, I’m going to keep this blog post unusually short. I have explained my new approach in a blog post and a video that goes with it. I decided it was best to keep the updates more visual and […]

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Is My Game Idea Too Big?

  • Paul Sokk
  • February 22, 2018
  • 5 min read

I started writing this post on Wednesday, just after I got back from the monthly IGDA Finland game developer’s gathering. As I live only 2-hour ferry ride away from that place I decided to drop by this time. I’m happy I did because I got to talk to some people who really made me think […]

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Gamedev Vlogs – Changing the Approach

  • Paul Sokk
  • February 20, 2018
  • 1 min read

“…seems like it is aimed towards an audience that is more interested in game development and computers than games.” That is how my friend Kardo described my blog and the game’s latest playable version. I am thankful to him. He and some of Gary Vaynerchuk’s videos made me realize this is not about me, it is […]

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My Self-Funding Situation

  • Paul Sokk
  • February 6, 2018
  • 3 min read

“Looking at my savings account I have no other option but to admit to myself I’m running out of money…” That is how I started a blog post a few weeks ago. I had realized that my savings were running out before reaching my 6-month goal. So I was going to need to look around […]

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